The Best of Inquiring Mind: 25 Years of Dharma, Drama, and Uncommon Insight (Wisdom Publications, 2008), edited by Barbara Gates and Wes Nisker in honor of Inquiring Mind's milestone 25th anniversary. This anthology contains a feast of essays, interviews and poetry chronicling the transmission of Buddhadharma to the West.
Find out more, read excerpts or order a copy at inquiringmind.com, Wisdom Publications, or Amazon.

Already Home: A Topography of Spirit and Place
(Shambhala Publications, June 2003) came out of years of writing, editorial projects, Buddhist practice, and research into the ecology and history of Gates's home place in the San Francisco Bay Area.
More information is at Goodreads, and you can purchase a copy or read an excerpt on Amazon.
An excerpt from Already Home was included in The Best Buddhist Writing of 2004. You can read about it on Goodreads or Amazon.

Teaching at Group School in Cambridge, MA 1970
Changing Learning, Changing Lives: A High School Women’s Curriculum from the Group School (Feminist Press, 1979) was written by Barbara Gates with co-writers Adria Steinberg and Susan Klaw, two of the other teachers with whom Gates founded and taught at The Group School in Cambridge. Used copies of this book are available online.