Listening: At the Farmers Market, At the Monastery
Farmers Market At the entrance to the Saturday farmers market in Tracy, California, I call out to each passerby. Latinos, Asians, white...

In the Bathtub...
I encourage you to check out my Tricycle Magazine article, "In the Bathtub of the Masters." It is an adapted chapter from my book in...

Washing My Mother's Hair
Photo by Jeannie O'Connor We have been wandering since beginningless time in these samsaric worlds in which every being, without...

A Begging Bowl of Tears
Written 4/15/14 and published in Inquiring Mind [http://www.inquiringmind.com] I am now walking and taking modest hikes . Linoleum cut...

Vitamin P
While I did finally learn how to navigate my wheelchair over the threshold into the bathroom, at night it’s felt like far too much effort...

Combat Paper
Interview in Two Voices, Drew Cameron and Drew Matott Breaking Rank by Drew Matott, 2007 Pulp printing on Combat Paper 29 x 51 Combat...

Sun on Skin
Over the stairs ascending from our living room to the attic hangs a dark painting of a young woman seated alone, trapped in a geometric...

Over the Threshold
Painting by my 93 year old mother, Nancy Spriggs [http://nancyspriggs.com], hung over my and Patrick's bed Exhausted by intense...

At War with the Way Things Are
Mask from Bali, on our kitchen wall; a gift from our daughter Caitlin Monday morning, alone in the house. With Patrick and Caitlin off to...

Bashing into Life: Using My Wheelchair as a Tank
After the medical transport team carried me up our back stairs and deposited me in my favorite armchair, I battled to get around the...